All Hail the Queenie! Thanks to her, I am no longer feeling like such an idiot. I now have a one link long blog roll (or is blogroll?). I plan to add more as I get more time to explore the wonderful world of blogs.
Queenie, you deserve a mountain of chocolate...with all of the calories, fat, and other undesirables taken out...with all the flavor left in! Now, if I could just find a way to make that kind of chocolate, I'd be rich in no time! Thanks so much, Queenie! Take a bow, or a curtsy or whatever...hell, take a nap! Yep, what better reward? Chocolate and a nap. You are hereby bestowed the online gifts of chocolate and naptime. Enjoy!
Glad to be of assistance! And I adore being showered with compliments.
Of course you adore are a cat owner! Cat owners are ignored by their pets so frequently that they begin to crave attention elsewhere. I think it may be a legitimate psychological disturbance. No matter what, you deserve the compliment. Thanks again.
By the way, I am making tie-dyed cupcakes with the neon food coloring! I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Good luck with the food coloring!
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