Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Thursday, April 28, 2005

And now for our next installment of "As the Nose Runs"

Okay, so that's cheesy. I can't help it, I'm sick. Deal.

And, yes, my nose is STILL a mess. In fact, it's even worse. I now have a spreading number of cold sores. I have them at the corners of my mouth, under my bottom lip, the sides of my nose, at the base of my nostrils, and here's the kicker -- INSIDE and UP my nose! That's right, folks, I have cold sores up my nose. They are quite painful and hinder the whole blowing-out-of-mucus process. It is my belief that the ones at the corners of my mouth stem from my inherited reaction to citric acid. I have been consumming mass quantities of orange juice and oranges. My mother is the same way, but worse. One orange, and her mouth is all broken out at the corners and raw for three days. The good news is, according to the doc, all I have going on is allergies. Yep. My seasonal allergies are making me this miserable. And, if I am right, have given me a raging case of impetigo. Time to go buy some Phisoderm and Abreva or whatever it's called.

Moving on to a slightly more entertaining topic. I have been found out! Yes, my hidden identity has been discovered. Curtsies to Q for some devastatingly brilliant detective work! Also, Q, apologize to your hunny for me. I had no idea that one small comment would cause you to wake him in the middle of the night. I would offer to make it up with tie-dye cake shortly after my broomstick arrives in July, but it sounds like he won't be there. Q, you both have my sympathies on that issue. I can't imagine what that must be like.

All righty then. I'm outtie. I gotta try and track down some information on Oscar Wilde's THe Picture of Dorian Grey and Decadance. No rest for the Wicked English Major!


Tricorum Satisdee said...

Actually, the hub-unit should be's only a ten-day thingy, fifteen if they didn't add travel time. You may owe him baked goods!
Oh, and I like Lindt Lindor Truffles. MMMMMMMM.

Manic Mom said...

Oooo...truffles! Yummy to the extreme! Okay, so I will plan on paying a debt of tie-dye cake.