I refer to myself as a liberated woman. I do not need a man. Anything a man can do, with one biological exception, I can do if I try hard enough. I deeply believe that women have been getting the shitty end of the stick for centuries. I agree in equal pay, breaking the glass ceiling, and all that fun stuff. Really. I usually do not allow men to open doors for me...I am capable of opening most doors for myself. Unless I am in the middle of coitus, no man calls me 'baby'. My opinion on that is: don't let him call you baby unless you want him to treat you like one. I am certainly aware and offended by gender stereotyping, the daycare dilemna, and the way women are treated by healthcare professionals.
However, militant feminists are defeating their own purposes in many ways. I recently read an article written by what I refer to as a feminazi, that excruciatingly examined several songs, one of them being Every Breath You Take, by The Police or Sting or whoever. Now, I am aware that women in media, including music, are not always presented the way they should be. However, trying to start a war against violence against women or against female stereotyping using a song like that is faulty. The few psychopaths out there that would take the lyrics of that song so literally as to turn it into some advocation of stalking are a minority. I'm sorry, but I do not think that refusing to shave your legs or armpits or allowing your breasts to be unrestrained by a bra or dissecting every song lyric, commercial, ad, or other portrayal of women is realistic. Neither will becoming a spiritual lesbian. Oh yeah, that's right. Refusing to associate intimately with a person of your sexual preference out of a philosophical or spiritual bonding/protest movement doesn't do anything but cut the birth rate down a smackerel. Surrounding yourself with other women just for the sake of opposing the treatment that women get, real or perceived, won't solve the equal pay issues or the daycare issues. All it does it make it harder for these issues to become resolved. These actions and any similar ones reinforce the false theory, passed down for generations, that women are hysterical, emotional, and unstable.
Anyway, if you see these type of women headed your way, run! Be a feminist if that is what you truly believe in. Take action! I'm all for it! But do it logically, practically, and with heart and gusto. Through your spirit and nerve into it! But for crying out loud, don't make a situation worse and destroy or delay the action you are hoping to obtain.
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