This is weird. It finally decides to rain, right? Fine. We got some much needed rain, even though it dropped our temp by like 40 degrees and lasted all damn day. However, here's the strange part: only half my lawn started turning green. Seriously. If you stand on my front porch and look out toward my road, there are two bushes that divide that part of my yard into near-perfect halves. To the left, greening grass. To the right, brownish yellow grass. Swear to god, I could see the line of division. Weird.
On a different topic, I hate registering for classes! Admittedly, this is partially my own fault, but waiting until so close to time for classes to start is not a good idea. This is my senior year (woot) and I have to have certain classes in order to graduate. I got into two of the three, which is a big deal, but I still have like 18 semester hours of electives to fill. Uh huh. With what? I refuse to take math classes or science or history. I like reading and writing. I like books. I have no artistic talent whatever. So, in order to qualify for my financial aid, I need two more 3 s.h. credit courses for this coming term. Fine. The ones I want, much less need, are full. Arggh!
I cannot imagine going to school as an adult! I wonder if I would like it more than I did as a teen?
I doubt it very much. Unless, perchance, you are as psychotic and masochistic as me. Imagine being surrounded by...oh well...simply view the newest post.
No shit! It rained very little but thankfully I don't have to get in my car at 7am and it be 85 degrees already. We're getting paid back for such a mild summer last year.
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