Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Braindroppings, Napalm, Silly Putty, and George Carlin

My man George Carlin! I got to watch a Biography thingy on him the other nite and am more enamored than ever. The man is a genius! And he makes too many good points that aside from being funny are so completely true that it offends people. For example, "why is when it's chickens, it's an omelet and when it's us it's an abortion?" I won't get drug into the whole prolife/prochoice thing because it's no longer about that. It's about who's right. And who's side God is on. As Stephen King's character, John Leydecker in Insomnia put it, "I wish they'd all go get drunk and sing 'We Are the Champions'". I will say this, I don't believe in any part of my cold, black heart that the ones having fits about abortion and making laws to stop them 1) have any right to tell any one what to do; or 2) have ever been in the position to make such a heart-rending decision. Let them take care of a group of AIDS or Crack babies for a year and then tell women what's right or wrong. But, I'm stepping off my soapbox now, I swear.

I deeply admire George Carlin. And agree with so many of his 'ideas'. And, since he is fond of the not-quite-paradoxical query or statement I feel a certain affinity for him. No I am not a stalker. I wouldn't do that. If I met the man on the street, I'd ask him how his day is, shake his hand if he let me, ask politely for an autograph, and flee before I had a fit of hysterics...laughter I mean. Just thinking of his material makes me smile.

Okay, so this is shameless advertising or plugging or whatever, but for people who haven't taken the chance...go find yourself any of his books, CD's, or videos and have great time. Even if you don't laugh (which makes you sick and wrong), you should still get food for thought.

Have a crappy day!

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