Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mission Part 2 & Baby Handbooks

Ok. So, the other ex got here right on time, safe and sound. The reason she and her best friend are sleeping in my bed is that she came down to pick up my soon to be stepson. She drove four and half hours right after working most of the night to do so. I understand being tired. Plus, I'm trying to be nice. She was decent enough to offer to go get a room at a hotel for a few hours. My idea is why waste the money? Not worth it. We also do not hate each other. Yet. This is subject to change -- frequently.

On to other things. Now, I started babysitting when I was nine. I have three children of my own. I have been around kids of various ages most of my life. I know there are tons of parenting books out there. I also know, or thought I did, that babies are not born with an instruction manual. Apparently, I was wrong. The State of Iowa now issues these manuals with birth certificates. No lie. My best friend, Grasshopper, got one just recently. Apparently, they also send updates or whatever at certain intervals. It seems that they would rather send smaller installments than print large books all at once. My question and problem is: why didn't I get these things? I'm not exactly sure how useful they are, but I didn't get any and I'm bothered by this. And when did the state start this program? I'd never heard of it before with any one else's kids. Odd. At any rate, in Iowa at least, babies now get issued instruction manuals along with their birth certificates. They do come a bit late, however. Grasshopper and Twitch didn't get their first installment of the manual until the baby was nearly three months old, and the first section only covers until two months. Of course, she just yesterday got the next section. I wonder how long they send them? If she gets one that covers the teen years, I'm filing a lawsuit. I don't have one and I have teens. I think that would be a great miscarriage of justice and an act of malfeasance on behalf of the government. Bet I'd win too. If fat people can sue McDonald's and Burger King and win, I ought to be able to, dammit.


Alekx said...

Jack Daniels, duct tape, plaster of paris, and a big hammer, all perfectly good parenting tools.

See you don't need a manuel I gave that to you for free


Manic Mom said...

Very funny! Truly! Actually, I prefer NyQuil, rubber mallets, bobby pins, and SuperGlue. Wait, were you refering to items for aroudn the house or to use on the children? Oh well, same list, either way.

Anonymous said...

Actually I believe the state of Washington gives out the manuals in a three ring binder that the visiting nurse brings you. I remember Batman's ex-wife had one. But I can't remember if it was the state or the military. I think she had TWO nurses that came to the house.

Manic Mom said...

Two visiting nurses? I about killed one nurse who visited me when my oldest was born. Whafuck? So WA or the military apparently doesn't believe in letting parents do their own parenting huh? Hmmm. And now it's in IA too. Hmm. I smell a conspiracy.

Kat said...

I know you're busy...but, sometime in the very near future you need to join the Yay-Yay Yahoo group....there are messages on there that you are missing out on. Those who don't join will be removed from the Yay-Yays...don't let that happen to you! We don't want to lose you!!!

Either enter your email addy in the box on the Yay-Yays blog or go to:
and join there.


Kimmee & Krissteen said...

ha! the handbooks lie! Trust me on this one. And as for befriending the ex. It is great to be able to be friends with the ex but at the same time you have to watch your back because she may just be the type that will stab you in the back with the same knife you just used to serve her a piece of cake. I know this from dreadful experiences. I have 2 ex husbands, one of which I have no contact with and that is fine as we never had children together however, my first ex and i had two children together and try to remain civil with each other even though we dont alway see eye-to-eye. His second wife, now his ex also, was my best friend prior to their getting married. After they married that changed and some days she was my best friend and others she was my worst enemy. Thankfully she is now out of the picture, that is a whole different show, and my ex and me get along perfectly now and I just adore his new gf. My advice for these types of situations is...whatever you do, dont bad mouth the other parent in front of the children as it will surely ruin your relationship with that child and only cause stress on your relationship with not only the child but your bf and/or spouse.. :-)