I highly recommend reading Undead & Unwed by Mary Janice Davidson if you haven't already. For starters, my interest was piqued when my mother recommended it to me. For those who don't know my mom, she is warped and twisted (you have to be in law enforcement), but not into the supernatural much. So when she told me she found a hilarious and great vampire novel for me to read, I about shit. She read me the little blip from the back cover and I was hooked. I trudged down to my local library, waited two weeks for their only copy to come in, and read it in about 4 hours.
It is really funny! Betsy, the protagonist, reminds me of me. Except she is reportedly tall, blonde, and a former model. I am short, squat, and the one modeling thing I did was when I was like 13 for a plus-size store show. Not one of my high points. At any rate, Betsy is easily distracted and has bizarre trains-of-thought. Sad part is, while these are eminently humorous, they also made sense to me. I could picture myself thinking the same things in the same situations. Yes, I am aware it's fiction. I don't care. That's part of what makes it a good story: the ability for readers to associate with the characters (learned that in a writing course).
I am hunting around for the next book, Undead & Unemployed, as I type. Another thing to spend money on. For some reason, I simply cannot avoid buying books I like. Might take me years to acquire the ones I want, but I do. In fact, it took me over a year to realize that hanging onto my Trixie Belden books and my Meg books, was simply taking up space I needed for other books that I would read more. I actually had chest pains and real tears when I boxed them up and took them to the Children's Hospital for their use. Now, every time I see one at a garage sale, I almost have seizures trying to stop my hand from snatching them out of the hands of little girls.
Okay, I digressed. No shock there. Go get the damned book, already! If you like the slightly weird, slighty erotic, terrificly (that don't look right) funny story, this is one for you.
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