I finally went to see The March of the Penguins!! I have also decided that I need to move to Antarctica. There are baby penguins there in need of my assistance. Now, all I need to do is figure out how to build a penguin nursery, convince the penguins that it's safe, finance the whole operation...oh and, yeah, figure out how to survive myself. No problem! I like fish. I'm sure I can buy the clothing I need someplace. Not sure about shelter, but I'll figure that out later. Igloos seemed to work for the Eskimos. I'll just sign up for an architecture course. Yep, that about sums it up.
Okay, I lied. That far from sums it up. The penguins are absolutely adorable! I had no idea they made noise! And I really like the way the dads are responsible for the eggs for so long. Another fine example of how nature screwed womankind. I swear to god, people, I almost got kicked out...before the movie started! The previews quit and the screen was just showing all the ice and shit in Antarctica and I started clapping and squealing. To top it off, my landlord and one of his kids were there! Talk about weird. Not too mention mildly worrisome. I mean, it's bad enough he lives right across the road from me and has seen some of my pecularities, but to have him witness my fanaticism is a bit much, doncha think? Oh well, too late now.
Classes began today for me and my kids. Hooray! The monsters are back in school! (Dancing at computer desk ensues) After school, everyone reported a good day with only minor hitches such as my girl wearing sandals instead of tennies on a gym day and the boys' school bus making them a few minutes late to school. I had a great day, too. One of my teachers I've had before. Not only is he funny and brilliant, but he's pretty hot, too! In fact, last year, we spent some time flirting with each other after class was over. (Long story & nothing came of it..dammit) He remembers me and this class appears to be even more fun than the last. To top it off, after only one class period with me, another instructor whom I've never had before, is so impressed with me that she is giving me a writing internship position that she created along with a lady at the Crisis Center! (more desk dancing) It's unpaid, but practically guarantees my acceptance to the Writer's Workshop next fall, guarantees me to have published work afterward, and will look exceedingly good on a resume. Or biographical sketch when I become a famous author.
As for other BS, I ranted a few months ago about pedestrians in this town. Look it up, I won't repeat it. (I heard that sigh of relief, by the way) At any rate, I actually saw a professor drive his bicycle into the side of a bright yellow Cambus today after my last class. He was going against the crossing light, of course. From the looks of things, no one was hurt. I mean, the bus had barely started moving and he had been at a complete stop also. May have wracked himself, but it's his own fault! No sympathy whatsoever. None. And this man presumably has at least a Master's Degree, so it's not like he's uneducated or anything. Morons!
That's all folks! Hope your day was terrific and your tomorrow is even better!
My daughters have seen MOTP 4 times now, they love it... Must be a girl thing eh?
Totally Loved MOTP!!!! Can I sign up for a Penguin Tour of Duty at the new reserve you create?
Hot Male Profs are the Bomb! Make you not want to miss a class, a little hard to concentrate at times though!
Moronic Profs on Bikes are a Blast...you will never look at this Prof the same..I wish I had one that I had caught doing something stupid!
Glad to hear everyone had a good start to the new school year! Most of Us don't start until the 12th of September in University and young ones start around the 6th just after Labour Day.
Wow, I wanna go to school with Linda! As for MOTP, the Reserve/Nursery will be accepting applications around......the year 2015 the way its going. Seems no one thinks these little guys need help. Something about centuries of evolution and all that...go figure!
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