Since my last, post, I've thought it over and feel it's only fair to present the good things about my recycled hubby.
He voluntarily moved away from a job he loved and made great money at to come here. He also left two young children from his second marriage in another state in order to move here. If I need money, he simply hands me his entire wallet and tells me to take what I want. I know his ATM pin number. I know all of his passwords to all of his assorted online accounts and so on. He voluntarily went out and got a job making about half of what he made before and goes to work. I know that doesn't seem like much, but some women have bums living with them that won't even contribute financially. He adores me...every inch of me, body, mind, and soul. He willingly watches sports in another room so as not to interfere with my anti-sports mentality. He will pick up after himself so far as dishes are concerned and he at least aims for the toilet if not putting the seat back down. I can carry on an intelligent conversation with him for the most part, though he accuses me of mumbling constantly -- but only when he's engrossed in something else. He's very intelligent, and has reasonable hobbies. He likes model trains, fishing, and reading. He doesn't even force me to listen to his version of music, since he knows I can't stand it. He also likes video games. I could do without that part, but at least he's not neurotic about them. He's also affectionate and not afraid to push a shopping cart around a busy store with my purse sitting in it. He'll even hold my purse for me, though he refuses to dig into it for any reason aside to drag his cigs out of the side pocket -- even if I tell him it's okay to.
Okay, now I've covered everything I can think of that is the opposite of my rant yesterday. I'm still miffed (love that word) about all the stuff I ranted on then, but there are good points to him.
On a side and reallly far away point, I think the animals in my small portion of Iowa have gone crazy from the heat. I'm used to roadkill (see past posting) though I do have a few concerns about it, but the past two days have seen much increased daylight activity from the wildlife. I saw a mama raccoon with at least 6 babies the other day, followed a short distance later by a badger. I have a family of woodchucks (aka groundhogs) living on my property. An entire herd of deer traipsed across my road at 2 o'clock today, apparently headed towards a family reunion across town. I've seen about 10 roadkill skunks, but those may be night kills. There is a plethora of bunnies around, and suddenly I have squirrels. Okay, that sounded like a disease, but last year, I had no squirrels. Now, I have like 4 or 5. Since I live in the middle of nowehere, I'm trying to figure out where they came from. I don't think they lay eggs or grow from seeds, so you figure it out. Which reminds me of a shirt I saw in Hot Topic the other day (love that store). It says, "I have animal magnetism. Every time I go outside, squirrels stick to my clothes." I am going to buy that and wear it to the park. Better yet, to parent-teacher conferences. I like to shake things up. Oh...and back to the animals...there also appears to be a rather smallish muskrat or beaver or some manner of weasel type thing living down the road from me in a brackish creek. It squealed at my daughter when she tossed a rock next to a frog trying to get it to jump. Then it swam away. I only got a brief look at it, but I'm fairly positive that wasn't around last year either. I tell ya, it's like Wild Kingdom aroudn here. Turkeys, pheasants, and other assorted fowl are all over nearby too. I do not live in the woods! The only things missing so far are reptiles. I'm waiting for them to show up tomorrow.
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