Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Evilness Reigns Supreme

All right, so I am vile and wicked. I like it that way and so do my friends. Also, to apologize in advance to any readers who are devoutly Christian, you may want to stop here and recognize that this is not directed at you personally.

While signing up for classes, I was looking for classes in the Women's Studies area for filling out elective hours with something I might actually use and/or enjoy. So I began perusing classes that fall into that category. Many of them are closed. More are at night when it simply isn't feasible for me to attend classes. I did run into two classes that piqued my interest momentarily...until I read the online version of the syllabi. One, called Women in Religion was basically a repeat of the other, Women in the Bible, with about three weeks of class devoted to exploring women's roles and so on in Eastern and Native American religions. Based on what I read, instead of challenging or exploring the patriarchical view point of the Bible and how it relates to women or even doing a comparison between treatment of women by different religions, the courses seem to desire to reinforce the Christian view. Uh huh. Not this redhead. I'd end up inciting a riot. Not that this would surprise any one who knows me well. And, since the building my classes are in were built in the 1960's era of violent protests by liberal, philosophy/etc. majors, the place has no windows that open and seems to be made of a strange multi-layered brick compound and bulletproof glass. It wouldn't be any fun. It does, however, sound like something interesting to put on my resume. My mother would be so proud! (sniffle) I just think it would be fun to show up to that class around Halloween dressed like a nun painted all over with voodoo and witchcraft symbols, cackling wildly, shuffling tarot cards, and dragging my broom along behind me...maybe leave shouting, "I'll get you my pretties, and your nutty professor too!" Doesn't matter. I'm headed back to this little store tomorrow called Spellbound to get another 'Blessed Be' sticker, another 'My other car is a broomstick' sticker, and this bright purple one that reads "Sorry I missed church...I was out practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian." I think I'll get two of each: cover both sides of my bookbag and one for my car. I know it isn't right...I simply cannot help myself. Everyone has a hobby...mine is to scare people.

I'm good at it.


Tricorum Satisdee said...

"Women's Studies"...PHOOEY! Remind me some time to tell you about the HIDEOUS women's studies teacher I was saddled with in college...She wasn't teaching about religion, but I'll be damned if she didn't turn me into a worshipper of the double-bacon cheeseburger every tuesday and thursday...I know how you feel!

Tricorum Satisdee said...

Actually, OMG, that's not what I wanted to post. What I was GOING to say before I went of on a flashback was that you should get some neon tape and put pentacles on all your notebooks in fresh spanky colors! Then smear some ketchup on them. Then tell anyone who's interested that you dripped some ketchup on it while summoning the watchtowers of the North (SNORK!)'s pretty funny.
Well, for ME it was, anyway. But that's when the Craft was pissing me off.