I love my recycled hubby very much! I love my recycled hubby very much! (I'm hoping that repeating this will help me calm down) I love my recycled hubby very much! (etc.)
Don't get me wrong, it's true: I do love him very much. However, this dependence of his is getting on my nerves. My 8 year old daughter can cook for the entire family on her own and on the stove. Granted, it's only scrambled eggs or cheese fajitas, but she can. He can barely pop corn in the microwave. Maybe I shouldn't bitch since I'm not working right now. He's the worker. But when school starts in three weeks (the kids & I start the same day), what's going to happen? Plus, next week my nother has to have surgery. She lives 2 and 1/2 hours away. I'll be gone, probably with the kids, for at least three days. Two of these are his days off and he is welcome to come with us, but if he chooses to stay home, I understand. However, if he does stay home, I'm not sure he can be trusted to feed the dogs and the bunny much less himself. No kidding, his idea of breakfast is 1/4 gallon of ice cream with 1/2 a container of Cool Whip on it. He's shown no ability to reheat leftovers on his own nor to be able to make his own frozen pizza, even. He cannot brown hamburger, and the one time I asked him to help me cook dinner by lining a baking pan with parchment paper (a gift from the gods) he used waxed paper instead. Silly me, I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice until the pork chops had already started to absorb the wax and the paper almost caught fire in my oven. (There's a Queenie-esque situation for you) At any rate, he is also apparently incapable of doing laundry, finding a hamper/basket, washing dishes, vacuuming, taking out garbage, or other household chores. He will help if I ask him to, which is a bonus, unless it involves leaving the house. Three days ago, I asked him to run into the town for me.
Me: Would you run into town for me?
Him: Which town?
Me: Duh. Iowa City! I need you to go to Fareway for me. I need about three things.
Him: Fareway?
Me: You know where it is, right?
Him: I think so.
Me: Know the movie place we always go to?
Me:It's right next to it. Can't miss it.
Him:For what?
Me:I need a good-sized red onion, a small thing of baby potatoes, aluminum foil, and charcoal. Ok, four things.
Him:I'd fuck it up...You want a red onion, I'd bring back a red radish...
Me:You can't buy a single red radish.
Him:Ok, a turnip then. I'd just fuck it up.
Have you ever heard such drivel? Or such a piss-ppor excuse for not doing something? Grrr. Then he wonders why we aren't bumping uglies that often.
Okay, rant over. I feel better now. Send me the bill, as usual, and thank you for your time.
I find it funny that woman STILL have not figured out that men are just giant children. You have to feed them, cloth them, clean up after them, remind them endlessly of the things they need to do. when asked to do something they ARE going to whine or find a reason why you should do it instead. Men provide company, entertainment, and the bacon so you can fry it. Other than that forget it. And don't forget that if they do happen to do something for you praise them endlessly or they will never do it again.
what a load of crap! I'd be sending the boy off on errands daily if he pulled something like that! If he DID come back with a radish, I'd cook that sucker for him and say "This is your dinner genius", then send him to the store the very next day to get the same thing. I'll bet you in no time he'd figure out the difference between a radish and an onion, lol. Ugh, you need some professional man training my friend.
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