Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Everyone has a separate language among their friends. I don't care who you are. There are either certain phrases or messed up sentences or words or whatever that are just between the group of you, or two of you. Whatever. For example, my mother and my immediate family 'do' movie lines. As in, we quote movie lines to each other and work them into general conversation. This issuch fun for me, I decided to share. I got Grasshopper to start doing it. Twitch does it now too. And Spanky.

Of course, then there are the times when a certain word or phrase becomes a 'thing' for my friends and I. Like my friend Thompson. HE got me started on "ish". Now we 'ish' at each other all the time. Or he'll share with me about his cat-crap. (Don't ask)

However, the most fun often comes up when two friends are out together doing whatever and one of them fucks up a sentence or a word. Like Spanky is prone to do. Now, don't get me wrong. I fuck up sentences and words just as much as she does. It just isn't as funny.

So, here are a few Spanky-isms for you:

1) Loony Barn: this is apparently similar to a loony bin, but when Spanky goes there, she can play with all the animals...somewhat like visiting the State Fair's petting zoo.

2) "Open your armpit!" This command was actually issued to me by Spanky in a Wal*Mart. Spanky was being a very decent friend and buying me some things when I was broke (things like soap, shampoo) because the Non-recyclable Ex-hubby (aka Fuckwad) had decided to ditch us with no notice and no money. Spanky is a truly giving person, who would literally give you the shirt off your back if she thought you needed it. However, it seems that late night runs to the local Wal*Mart are not good for her vocabulary. Her hands were almost full and my hands already were, because we are not smart enough to get a cart at midnight, and she wants to hand me something. I think it was a soda, but I'm no longer sure. When I inform her my hands are full, she tries to tell me to open my arm out so she can stick it up under my arm until we get to the checkout. What came out instead was, "Open your armpit!" at which point we both became useless for the rest of the night.

These are just two of the examples I could provide, but if I do, I'm afraid no one would understand and that, by sharing, they would be less funny to me and Spanky. Who is, at this very moment that I am typing, waiting for me to click back onto Yahoo Messenger to tell her I'm done and this is posted. I'm just going to tell her the rabid deer ate the post. She'll understand.

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