Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Monday, May 02, 2005

Technology Keeps Kicking My Ass

I admit it, I am technologically challenged. Okay? So, whatever techno-gods or powers or whatever that may be, you can stop now! Any time. Really.

Not only does this whole blogging thing fuck with me periodically when I try to do something new, but I cannot work a pre-existing webpage for a class of mine. Whafuck? Supposedly all that is required of me is a few clicks of the mouse and viola! Webpage all complete. Uh huh. What really happens is a few mouse clicks and the whole damn site crashes on me. Not good. Since finals are just around the corner, this should be a relief. However, as part of my final, I have to get this damn thing to work so I can post an essay to this fucking page! If I do not, I get a bad grade. What is really sad is that I am not stupid. I am fairly intelligent. I can read and follow instructions. I do not fear technology. I am not phobic of it. I enjoy the ease (snort!) that technology has given my life, for the most part. I admit that I often think there's too much of it in some areas or too much reliance on it, but I adjust in minutes. So, how come I cannot get cooperation out of a piece of machinery? And don't give me the whole GIGO thing. I'm no longer buying that particular maxim. Anyway, the deus ex machina has it out for me. Literary device, too.

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