Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tidbit on the Way

Okay, I have recovered my sanity...sort of. As much of it as I had to begin with, I think. I'm not sure. Maybe I'm totally wrong and believing I have my sanity back is simply proof positive of my lunacy. I just don't know. Nor do I care.

In case you aren't sure, I think I'm having a manic moment. Which is fine. It's relatively mild so far. Besides, Queenie seems to be doing without any (good for her) so someone needs to take up the slack. I might as well. Not much else to do.

Which is not the point. Not at all. I am going to be a 35. There are definitely good sides to this: I'll be able to enjoy it (hopefully), I'm not so far from taking care of infant children that I've forgotten how, and I'm a pretty hot gramma. Okay, the hot part is debatable, but the rest is good. I've even recovered enough sanity to nickname the baby. It's "Tidbit". Yes. Tidbit. What? It's just a tidbit too early on the preferred timeline for being a grandma, it's still a little tiny know...a tidbit, and even though it isn't here yet, I'm sure it's going to be the cutest little tidbit of an angel anyone has ever seen. So, Tidbit.

Docs say Tidbit will arrive around Sept. 2. Which happens to be Grasshopper's oldest son's b-day. The only woman I know who actually gave birth on her due date. It also happened to be Labor Day that year, which apparently gave new meaning to the day. Anyhow, Cheeks (the mom) and I both believe she's farther along than what the docs are saying. Maybe not by much, but I'm betting she's at least four months. I would bet Tidbit arrives shortly after Wendy's little Sharkbait and Queenie's Pillsbury arrive in July.

Cheeks is moving in next week. After much tussle, hassle, and flurry, everyone decided it was the best course of action at least till Tidbit's around 6 months old. Gives them time to save up some money and to go through this really cool program that basically sets them up with an apartment and stuff, along with monthly or weekly visits from a staff member who acts as a guide/advocate/monitor. Sounds like a plan. Besides, that way, if things get hairy, they're here and it's easier for one of us to step in and help out.

At any rate, off to go do homework. It's my last semester (hooray!!!) and I've got senior-itis in a bad way. If I want to graduate in May, I need to buckle a month ago.

1 comment:

Tricorum Satisdee said...

Don't worry, I'm sure with the impending arrival and whatnot of said aforementioned Pillsbury, I'll be freaking out posthaste. Like seriously, I'm going to know what sex it is in just about a WEEK.