Penguins from Mary Poppins

Penguins from Mary Poppins
Image by Disney

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ack! Banned! For No Reason!

This was supposed to have posted on Sept. 24th, believe it or not. I just now got it recovered for posting. Sorry! Ignore it if you think it's too out of date. Just wanted to share.

I have been banned! Yes, Queenie banned me from commenting on her blogs for, like, three days! How unfair! For one, I have no idea at all how she & her hub-unit met. None. Nada. Zip. Zilcho. Nope. Not so much as an iota of a clue. And now, I'm banned!

Talk about an abuse of power! Actually, I can sort of see it. I have relatively easy access to Batman and Wendy, so I could probably find out.

Anyway, Queenie, I'm actually pleased! I've been banned from stores, restaurants, a bar or two, even a school. I have never been banned from commenting on a blog before. Yay! A first for me! So it's sick and twisted, but I have this whole rebellion thing going on right now. You know, like a second adolescence.

Yippee! Banned -- again!


Tricorum Satisdee said...

hehee, I just wanted to even the playing field for those who couldn't pick up the phone and get the delicious details! I'm glad you're flettered, and next time I do a guess-what on blog you're welcome to be banned again, if youu like. :)

Manic Mom said...

Sure! I love being banned! I know you were just trying to make it fair for others. NP. Just make sure to ban me again sometime! :}