Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but I simply cannot contain myself. Though I've had cause on more than one occasion to question my sanity, I am currently wondering if there is more reason now to doubt it: either I'm not paranoid enough or I'm walking around in a state of denial so huge, therapy likely won't help. Or that is what many of the pro-gun activists would like me to believe.
The activists love to point to the venerable document known as the Constitution of the United States and spout off about the right to bear arms, self-defense, and the responsibility to overthrow tyrants. What their real message is: you should be scared. In fact, you should be so frightened of the outside world and that it might enter your private world, arming yourself to the teeth is the only viable, sane solution.
Then, horrific tragedies occur. Most recently, the shooting at Sandy Hooks Elementary in Connecticut But this list is longer than that, of course. And the gun-control activists start in with their agenda and their real message is: you should be scared. In fact, you should be so frightened of the outside world and that it might enter your private world, that only a world without any weapons is the answer.
The pro-gun activists then retaliate with "guns don't kill people, people kill people." True. Except for very rare accidents where a gun with no one around it has exploded and harmed someone close enough to the blast, guns do not walk or run around harming folks. People holding guns are people who kill people. But not all of them. I have held guns on several occasions and never shot anyone - not on purpose or by accident. Never even killed an animal that I'm aware of.
These same pro-gun activists then point out the people who commit these crimes and cause these terrible events are mentally ill, unstable, and not the average responsible citizen. And, again they are correct. They are correct in pointing to a system which fails these people on multiple levels. Lack of health care coverage, ease of access to services, people who may have been able to help but were unable to for a variety of reasons...the list could go on. And what their real message here is: don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.
I would agree with the sentiment except these are often the same people who bitched about Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and entitlement of any sort. And they point out, "Well, I know someone who gets such and such benefit and shouldn't because they then do this or this or this" or "I've seen people with an EBT card (Food Stamps) with cigarettes or a beer or a cell phone so they shouldn't get EBT". And they point out all the 'bad apples' and say we should become stricter or do away with social service programs altogether.
I've got news for them all: you can't have it both ways. Either these 'bad apples' ruin everything for everyone or you discount all the 'bad apples' entirely. The argument is a double-edged sword; it cuts both ways or you turn it into a dull blade indeed.
In a perfect world, tragedies like Columbine, Sandy Hooks Elementary, Virginia Tech, and all the others would never happen. Nor would such horrific crimes such as the knife wielding tragedy in China. In the perfect world, no one would steal, rob, rape, or murder. People with mental health issues would receive the appropriate services and treatment. The treatments would work perfectly. There would be no social stigma attached to mental illness, so no one would feel ashamed to reach out for help. There would be no limits to what services are provided to who or requirements for some sort of legal paper trail in order to get needed services in a timely manner. In such a utopia, everyone would feel safe everywhere they went and there would be no need for weapons of any sort, except for hunting.
Such a world does not exist. Maybe in the future. I can only hold out hope. In the meantime, I'm sick of the fear mongering from all sides. We're inundated with it from our government, which uses fear to get us to give up many of our personal rights. We're force fed fear from the extremists, who want everyone to live their way and their way alone and want us to see everything through a veil of fear, ignorance, and hatred. We're simply buried in messages from all corners telling us to be afraid of something and everything.
I'm not trying to lessen the tragedies, any of them, in any way. However, I cannot sit here and agree that arming teachers is a viable solution or that increasing armed citizens is a reasonable measure. There are far too many guns available to the law-abiding as well as to the criminals. There are only 2 solutions I can see: ensure that every gun owner is responsible and stable through yearly examinations, with spot checks, to ensure not only responsible gun ownership but mental health stability as well OR ban them all, except for those who really need them, such as law enforcement and military. For those who only own guns for hunting, then they get special permits and safety guidelines as well as limits on the number and types of guns they can own. Other countries have done this and their crime rates dropped and incidences such as Sandy Hook haven't happened since. Our country is way behind the rest of the world in so many ways...and we're paying the price in blood.
Hic Sunt Dracones (Latin for 'Here there be dragons'). This is my real life, folks. I couldn't make this up if I tried. This blog is not for everyone. Readers are advised to travel onward if they lack a sense of humor, have an aversion to profanity, or are unable or unwilling to think for themselves. In other words, this is not the place for the Kool-Aid drinkers.
Penguins from Mary Poppins

Image by Disney
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
My suggestions for fixing the problems of our country:
Disclaimer: Some people may find these suggestions
offensive. Suck it up. It’s my opinion, not yours. Mere suggestions is all they
are. Also, I apologize for any repetition of suggestions I may have posted
1. Have
registered voters vote once per month on every proposed federal, state, and
local law. This accomplishes several things: prevents corporate lobbyists from ‘buying’
officials to pass or fail a law; makes our country truly a government “of, for,
& by” the people. All we really would need our representatives for is to
propose and write the laws. It will also be a HUGE wake up call to the citizenry
of these fine states of America because it will put much of the responsibility
back on our shoulders, where it belongs. As voters, we will be forced to become
well versed in reading, critical thinking, source evaluation, and in our civic
duties and all that those entail including our responsibilities as well as our
2. If
#1 is put into place, then pay these representatives a fair wage with the same
health care benefits the rest of the nation gets, with a reasonable retirement
package. None of this “for life” crap. When a minimum wage worker who has
worked their entire lives at a fast food chain gets these kinds of retirement packages,
then our elected officials can have it. Make them save, struggle, invest (gain
or loss) like the rest of us.
3. If
any elected official is arrested and convicted or pleads guilty or no contest
to any charge other than a misdemeanor, fire their asses. This is what usually
happens to regular civilian workers. Why should elected officials be any
different? If one (or more) is fired, then whoever was ‘runner up’ is given the
opportunity to assume the office. If that person cannot or will not for
whatever reason, then allow one week (7 days) for another candidate to announce
his/her willingness (this is an absolute deadline) and hold a vote at the next regular
voting time (see #1), unless the termination occurs within 14 days of the
regular voting time in which case the election would be held at the next month’s
regular voting time.
4. Legalize
drugs. Yes. I am NOT condoning the use or distribution. However, legalizing
drugs would solve several problems: prostitution, some domestic assaults, and
if they were legalized and monitored like many OTC and Rx meds, alcohol, &
tobacco there would be more control over it. Also, tax the hell out of all of
them! We do it for tobacco, alcohol, vehicles, any number of things. The taxes
collected go to fund things such as education, low-income housing &
assistance programs, mental health programs, and yes, even drug
rehabilitiation. If states (and many do) can offer free nicotine patches,
lozenges, and/or Chantix to people who want to quit smoking and have it
actually help, then they can do something similar with drugs and drug
5. For
that matter, legalize prostitution. Mandate monthly or weekly health checks.
Make prostitutes carry current licenses and identification of said health checks.
If it’s a legal occupation, then they can and should have to pay taxes from
their wages.
6. Prisoners
on death row: once all of the appeals have run out, provide them with an option
to do good for others and volunteer to participate in medical/drug research for
cures, treatments, and such for diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease…the
list is endless. This is a choice for them, not a demand. And they only get one
chance to sign up. If they say no the first time, no taking it back at the last
minute. They can even be reimbursed similar to “normal” citizens…only whatever
they would have been compensated goes to crime victims organizations and funds.
Or, better yet, it gets divided up between things like that and law enforcement
agencies, which are always overworked, underpaid, and certainly
7. Make
executions live, pay-per-view events. No, I’m not kidding. If death row inmates
choose not to participate in medical research, then the victim’s family
(families) should be able to authorize the televising of the convicted’s
execution. Again, these funds could be divided between the victim(s) families,
crime victims funds/organizations, and law enforcement of whatever state is
holding the execution. People would pay to see this. I’m not necessarily saying
I would or would not, but I know people would love to watch. Why? Well, for the
same reason shows like Jerry Springer’s old talk show lasted so long…we love
the morbid, sick, and twisted. If the media is going to play on our thirst for
long-distance dirty laundry (i.e.- the Simpson trial & others), then maybe
it’s time to make it count. Obviously, just knowing execution is a real
possibility in some states isn’t the deterrent it was meant to be. Why? Again,
it’s one of those psychological long distance things – ‘it’ll never happen to
me, even though I know it happens’. Just like ‘oh, the neighbor down the street
is so good with kids and does so much for the community, I can’t believe he/she
molested a (my) child!’
8. No
one graduates any kind of high school (public or private) without having passed
with at least a 90% overall grade ‘real living’ course. This course will
include all of the following: creating a budget; learning how to balance
checkbooks/debit accounts; how to create a savings account and maintain it;
basic investment knowledge; learning about credit cards (the good, the bad, and
the ugly); how to create a weekly/monthly menu and shop for it; how to maintain
important vital records at home or other areas; how to schedule appointments of
all kinds and maintain a working calendar; how to do dishes by hand as well as
a dishwasher; how to sort, wash, dry (both machine and line-dry), and fold all
forms of laundry; how to sew a button, mend a hem, and repair small tears or
snags; how to cook several basic meals (pre-packaged and from scratch) – including
boiling eggs, using both charcoal and gas grills, and baking items such as
cakes; basic first aid (washing, antiseptic sprays/ointments, bandaging) and
what constitutes a real emergency and what may not; job search preparation
including resume writing, interviewing techniques, employment contract reading
& comprehension, and how to search for jobs in the many areas now
available; civic duties such as how to register to vote, how to find and follow
proper channels for various complaint procedures; how to read a lease for an
apartment, home, automobile; and finally Netiquette a.k.a how to properly
respond to emails, the difference between personal, informal, and formal communications,
internet safety for themselves and family members. Why do I say this? Because
too many families, schools, and the general public are allowing these things to
slide. We expect parents to do it. Parents, for many reasons, may not be doing
it. We also just seem to expect kids to pick it up through observation,
osmosis, or some such. It simply doesn’t work the way it’s been being done
lately. These are basic living skills and too many students entering college
today honestly have no idea how to clean the toilet, much less make and
maintain a household budget for themselves (or their families once they start
one of their own).
9. Drop
the life terms for Supreme Court Justices. Make them elected officials as well.
This goes back to several of the above suggestions, but if they were elected
officials, it would waste less Congressional hours in hearings for approval,
cost less money across the board, and make it easier to remove the ones I will
refer to as ‘pot stirrers’ who, once they got on the bench, only want to
disagree with as much as they can and try to stir up as much drama, crap, and
general fuckery as possible.
10. My final
suggestion: make all elected offices for the same length of time. No more of
this two years for this position, four years for that one, one year for yet
another one. All of the elections for office take place on the same day, either
every two or every four years. I suggest four years. If that seems like it’s
too much to vote on in one sitting for your federal, state, and local
government officials then make it a two day event, but keep it with the regular
voting time (see #1).
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